Amax Amax HSEQ Pvt. Ltd. 90996 07782

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HSE Training

Experience agency


The safety of your employees when they are on-the-job impacts your organization as much, if notmore, more than their safety on-the-job.

The costs of off-the-job accidents to your organization often include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost productivity
  • Short and long-termdisability payments
  • Overtime
  • New employeetraining
  • Loss of job experience
  • Pain and suffering enduredLoss of job experience by other employees.

0n-The-Job Safety Training is a unique

program designed to help organizations meet the challenge ofimproving off-the- job safety.

Off-The-Job Safety Training builds on the principles of FDRsafety'ssignature Attitude-Based Safety Culture Training that motivatesworkers to “want to” be safe rather than feeling they “have to”be safe. This program has been presented to more than 500,000workers and managers across the country, and is credited bymany companies with improving safety performance within theirorganization. Taking this message a step further, Off- The-JobSafety Training motivates workers to remain safe 24 hours a day,7 days a wee

This is a highly interactive course that includes exercises, shortvideos, anddiscussions geared towards protecting loved ones. The coursereveals decisions and unsafe actions that could endanger familymembers. Upon completion of Off- The-Job Safety Training, eachparticipant develops a personal safety action plan for protectingthe safety and well-being of his or her family.

Everyone who works for you needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health. You mustprovide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, for your employees.

Consider how much training is necessary. A proportionate approach is needed, for example a low-riskbusiness would not need lengthy technical training. Providing simple information or instructions islikely to be sufcient.

hazards and risks they may face, if anymeasures in place to deal with thosehazards and risks, if necessaryhow to follow any emergency procedures Some employees may have particular training needs, forexample:

new recruits need basic induction training in how to work safely, including arrangements for rstaid, re and evacuation

people changing jobs or taking on extra responsibilities need to know about any new health andsafety implications young employees are particularly vulnerable to accidents and you need to payparticular attention to their needs, so their training should be a priority. It is also important thatnew, inexperienced or young employees are adequately supervised employee representatives orsafety representatives will require training that reects their responsibilities some people s skillsmay need updating by refresher training

Your risk assessment should identify any further training needs associated with specic risks. Ifyou have identied danger areas in your workplace, you must ensure that your employees receiveadequate instruction and training on precautions they must take before entering them.

You need to think about any legal requirements for specic job training, eg for operating forklifttrucks. Remember that if you introduce new equipment, technology or changes to workingpractices/systems, your employees will need to know about any new health and safety implications

Employees also have responsibilities under health and safety law to:
take care of their own health and safety and that of othersco-operate with you to help you comply with health and safety legislation follow any instructionsor health and safety training you providetell you about any work situations that present a serious and imminent risklet you know about any other failings they identify in your health and safety arrangement